International trade: Peru as an emerging country in the context of COVID-19




International trade, foreign trade, world trade, Covid-19, Peru


The objective was to analyze the behavior of Peru in international trade during the context of Covid-19. The methodology used was the documentary review. The analysis focused on knowing the policies taken by the Peruvian government regarding international trade in the context of the pandemic. The main results indicate that government policies in recent years did not give importance to the technological aspect with which the international economy moves. Likewise, the 2020-2021 government did not know how to comply with international recommendations such as the World Trade Organization and the World Customs Organization; In the absence of these policies, Peru suffered an economic contraction both internally and externally.

Author Biography

  • Wilson Sucari, Instituto Universitario de Innovación Ciencia y Tecnología Inudi Perú

    Docente de Pre y Post Grado en la Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica, así mismo es docente invitado en diversas universidades de Perú, especialista en investigación científica, educación, literatura y gestión empresarial. Cuenta con Máster en Intervención Educativa y Psicológica por la Universidad de Navarra (España). Doctor en Educación por la UNAP (Perú). Presidente fundador del Instituto Universitario de Investigación Inudi Perú y de la Universidad Libertaria del Perú. Dirige la Revista Innova Educación y la Revista Estudios Psicol´ógicos 


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How to Cite

Sucari, W. (2021). International trade: Peru as an emerging country in the context of COVID-19. Gestionar: Revista De Empresa Y Gobierno, 1(1), 7-12.