The poem "Privileges of the poor" by Juan del Valle y Caviedes from the perspective of discourse analysis


  • Maribel Apaza-Llanos Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Perú Author
  • Ronald Callomamani Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Perú Author
  • Leydi Jacinto Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Perú Author



Análise, discourse, poor, pragmatic, semiotic


The objective of this work was to determine the meaning of the poor man in the poem "Privileges of the poor" by Juan del Valle y Caviedes from the perspective of discourse analysis. The method used was hermeneutics, for which phenomenology, structuralism, and the study of signs were taken into account. The technique used for the study was the analysis of poetic discourse in the textual, enunciative, semiotic, and pragmatic dimensions. Regarding the production of the poem "Privileges of the poor", the qualifiers to poor hunger were evidenced, where Caviedes constructs a subject whose point of view has subjective, sarcastic and reflective nuances. On the other hand, the subject has the function of informing aspects or qualities of how the poor man is qualified and clarifying to the receiver that all the qualifications of the poor man are not privileges. Therefore, we can say that the poem states that there is a presence of denotative language; that is, there are literary figures. Finally, the poem collects all the qualifiers; we can deduce that the seams qualify the hoarding action of the poor man, wanting to explain these actions in general sarcastically.


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How to Cite

The poem "Privileges of the poor" by Juan del Valle y Caviedes from the perspective of discourse analysis . (2021). Gestionar: Revista De Empresa Y Gobierno, 1(2), 7-20.

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