The qualitative method and its contribution to research in the social sciences




contribution, social sciences, research, qualitative method


The purpose of this article for reflection is to present the characteristics and benefits of qualitative research as a vital tool for implementing research in the disciplinary field of the social sciences. For which the documentary approach methodology is used, by exploring primary and secondary sources of information that allow delving into the theory and key postulates, trying to reach the point of taking the argumentation of the most recognized authors in the parameters of the methodology of the investigation. As a result, we can find that qualitative research is a fundamental process that the researcher has to understand the reality present in the context. Therefore, this paradigm extracts the essence of people's experiences and exposes the most deeply rooted aspects.

Author Biography

  • Víctor Guzmán, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana

    Víctor Alfonso Guzman Brand, profesional en psicología clínica del politécnico Grancolombiano, Especialista en desarrollo integral de infancia y adolescencia, Magistrante en educación, de la Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana Bogotá-Colombia, Diplomado en educación para la sexualidad, estudios en pedagogía y trastornos del aprendizaje. Expositor en congresos internacionales de educación.


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How to Cite

Guzmán, V. (2021). The qualitative method and its contribution to research in the social sciences. Gestionar: Revista De Empresa Y Gobierno, 1(4), 19-31.

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