Importance of teaching innovation as a process and management in the field of Health Sciences: a systematic review
healt sciences, innovation, systematic review, universityAbstract
Currently, the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in university classrooms is leading to the emergence of new learning scenarios based on educational innovation, incorporating the use of mobile devices in teaching. Training in the field of Health Sciences is increasingly focused on improving health care delivery. The aim of this paper is to identify through a systematic review the importance of teaching innovation as a process and management in the field of Health Sciences. To this end, a search for articles was carried out in different databases, such as Web of Science and Scopus. A total of 379 documents were obtained which, after applying the established inclusion criteria, left 9 papers for review. The results showed that the use of ICT and the creation of team work based on activities related to clinical practice suggests improving the quality of university teaching in Health Sciences students, since it allows them greater accessibility, flexibility and interaction. In conclusion, the use of ICT seems to be an effective way to learn and teach, by encouraging the search for content and divergent thinking, as well as collaboration and interaction among peers.
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