Influence of the officials’ human talent in municipal management of Huancayo province, Peru
human talent, municipal management, officialsAbstract
In Peru, as in different countries of the world, the leaders of the organizations are valuing the importance of seeing human resources as the most precious asset, being the key to their innovation and development. From this approach, the person is seen as a being who wishes to improve himself just like a public or private organization. Thus, the main objective of the research was to know the influence of the human talent of the officials in the municipal management of the province of Huancayo - Peru. Methodologically, the scientific, deductive, and analytical method was used, with a non-experimental design, and an explanatory descriptive level. A questionnaire validated by experts was applied, concluding that the level of influence of the human talent of the officials of the Provincial Municipality of Huancayo in municipal management is direct and significant. The knowledge and performance of the managers and deputy managers is regular with respect to the initiative of fulfilling their work. This situation is not the most optimal to promote the development of the population. Human talent perceived as the knowledge, ability, skills and attitudes of people, in the case of managers and sub managers is unstable due to the constant change in their functions, this does not allow to consolidate management policies that develop the potential of the company. person, this is replicated in local public policies implemented in the provision of public services and in sustainable development.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Froy Solis-Luis, Dennis Victoria-Quinto, Luisabel Balvin, Carlos Berrocal, Juan Gómez-Palomino, Edgardo Sardón-Meneses
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