Strategic planning for the improvement of productivity and competitiveness of underground mining in Peru




competitiveness, strategic matrices, strategic planning, mining projects


Objective: Develop mining planning strategies in Peru to improve levels of competitiveness and productivity in the following terms: Exploitation of low-grade resources, obtaining greater economic benefit from the mining sector, meeting production programs to meet international demand, increase the useful life of the mine, implement new technologies, take advantage of the high geological potential of Peru. Methodology: The approach used in the research is descriptive because it details a series of confronted strategies according to the exploit, search, confront and avoid analysis with which it will be possible to formulate, implement, analyze and evaluate the different strategies to finally make the best decisions that entail to the success of the mining sector. Likewise, during the development, different matrices were elaborated that allowed us to determine main strategies which were analyzed and the order of importance for the fulfillment of objectives was determined. Results: There are similarities in the analysis of the different analyzed matrices, but the quantitative strategic planning matrix shows better results according to the assigned scores and the retained strategies. Conclusion: A strategic planning applied to the mining sector manages to improve productivity to face the great international demand, as well as being able to face global competition.

Author Biography

  • Eutemio Sánchez, National University of San Marcos

    Ingeniero de Minas titulado y colegiado, magister en Gestión Minera y Ambiental, con características de liderazgo y capacidad para trabajar en equipo, personalidad dinámica y creativa.


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How to Cite

Sánchez, E. (2023). Strategic planning for the improvement of productivity and competitiveness of underground mining in Peru. Gestionar: Revista De Empresa Y Gobierno, 3(2), 50-65.

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