Public policies that determine the development of Community-Based Tourism’s product




development, public policy, product, community-based tourism


This research evaluated the degree of relationship between public policies and the development of the community-based tourism’s product on Amantaní Island (Puno – Peru), based on the analysis of the theory of change and the results chain. The triangulation approach was used through the analysis of public policy documents and the hypothetical-deductive method of descriptive scope of cross-sectional correlational and factorial design. To obtain data, a questionnaire of 5 constructs and 25 variables was applied on the semantic differential scale where 1 is definitely disagree and 7 is definitely in agreement with 49 lodging owners. The results were validated using the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin sample adequacy statistical test. KMO and Bartlett's test indicating that the analysis is acceptable at 0.742 of the sample adequacies. Concluding that there is a moderate positive correlation between public policies and the development of the community tourism product at 0.474. 5 factors have been extracted, being the main components: The electronic marketing of its services 0.944; the tourist attractions and resources identified and valued 0.859; Participation in the fair "Experiences on Community Tourism" 0.920; the basic first aid care workshop 0.847 and development of training for tourist awareness and cultural identity 0.742, which are related to the development of the competitive, sustainable and innovative product of Community Tourism on the Amantaní Island that are explained with an accumulated percentage of 76.786.

Author Biography

  • Alan Franco, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano

    Doctor en Economía y Gestión, Maestro en Gestión Empresarial y Licenciado en Turismo por la Universidad Nacional del Altiplano. Trabaja en la Escuela Profesional de Turismo como Docente Principal a Dedicación Exclusiva. Especialista en Planes de negocio, Investigación de mercados, Marketing y Gestión de Destinos Turísticos.


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How to Cite

Public policies that determine the development of Community-Based Tourism’s product. (2022). Gestionar: Revista De Empresa Y Gobierno, 2(4), 43-54.

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